Max Czollek


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16,– normal
8,– ermäßigt

Write in
such a
way that
the Nazis
ban you!
(Max Czollek)

In times of crisis, society and diversity suffer. For Max Czollek, concepts such as ‘Leitkultur’ or ‘integration’ that carry the weight of the state offer no answer to this. Since 2018, there has been a lot of discussion about Max Czollek’s pamphlet Desintegriert euch!, describing the status quo of the German self-image, Czollek now outlines the model for a changed present in his new book Gegenwartsbewältigung: How does society have to change so that people experience solidarity in equal measure? Which cherished convictions must we all give up for this? How can the common defence of plural democracy succeed in a fragmented world? Max Czollek provides answers for the political present and thus strikes a chord with the times.

Max Czollek (*1987 in Berlin) completed his political science studies at the FU Berlin with a doctorate at the Centre for Research on Anti-Semitism. He is a member of the poetry collective G13, organises joint reading tours and publications and is curator of the international poetry project ‘Babelsprech’. He is also co-editor of the journal Jalta – Positionen zur jüdischen Gegenwart. With Sasha Marianna Salzmann, Czollek curated the 2016 event Desintegration. Ein Kongress zeitgenössischer jüdischer Positionen and in 2017 the Radikalen Jüdischen Kulturtage at the Maxim Gorki Theatre. In addition to non-fiction, he has also published the poetry collections Druckkammern, Jubeljahre and Grenzwerte.

“Czollek has really struck a nerve!” (New York Times)

“The old book (Desintegriert Euch!) had wit, the new one (Gegenwartsbewältigung) has reason. It’s more grown-up, more constructive.” (Der Spiegel)

by and with Max Czollek

Presenter: Christine Brinkmann

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